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More than 2,500 cities worldwide have formally issued plans to cut carbon emissions since late 2014, as Reuters reported. And many of these local targets are more ambitious than those set by governments under the global...


Cambridge, MA – A new study shows that urban ride sharing is feasible in a wide variety of cities around the world. It found that shareability is influenced by the way we organise our lives, rather than...

Construction represents a key area for sustainable energy use, according to the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA), and the Energy Strategy 2050 would require architects and engineers to take action in...

100 Resilient Cities (100RC) is a project by the Rockefeller Foundation that is helping cities around the world tackle everything from rising sea levels and coastal erosion to housing and energy challenges, according to a...

Zurich/Singapore – Researchers at ETH Zurich in Singapore have developed a method to quantify the impact of trees on urban ecosystems by using Google Street View. One of their findings is that planting more trees in Singapore...

Los Angeles – The city of Los Angeles is collaborating with scientists from the University of Southern California to test different ways of reducing urban heat. Strategies include cool roofs and reflective sidewalks.


Oslo – Singapore, New York, Barcelona, Oslo, London and San Francisco are among the world’s smartest cities in terms of technology-sensing infrastructure, according the latest Proximity.Directory report.

Proximity technologies are most commonly known as a marketing tool...

Ittigen BE – Sparsely populated areas in the periphery have higher infrastructure and mobility costs than centrally located, densely populated ones, a new study shows. It also found that the costs are not fully borne by those...

The independent Swedish think tank Global Utmaning hosted the first regional post-Habitat III conference in mid-December in collaboration with the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Swedish National Centre for Architecture and...

Geneva – The World Economic Forum has released a report that identifies public-private cooperation as the key to implementing the New Urban Agenda. It encourages the private sector to commit its resources, skills and experience towards developing economically...

Stefano Boeri Architetti shot to international fame after the firm’s vertical forest project in Milan – Bosco Verticale – was named the best tall building worldwide in 2015 by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat...

Amsterdam – The tallest wood-framed building in the Netherlands has won an award as the best residential building of 2016. Patch22 features rooftop solar panels, a biomass heating system and can be easily converted from residential to...

The government of Victoria has announced that it will issue an open tender in the first half of 2017 to build the state’s first large-scale solar farm by the end of 2018. The solar farm will have...

New Delhi – An international conference held in India focused on the emergence of smart cities and urbanisation. Emphasis was placed on the important role played by aviation in the country’s urbanisation.

Numerous international speakers attended...

2016 was an important year for sustainable urban development when the Habitat III conference on urbanisation adopted a 20-year strategy on sustainable cities called the New Urban Agenda. And now 2017 is shaping up to be the...

Around 300,000 square kilometres of fertile cropland will be lost by the year 2030 as a result of rapid urbanisation, according to the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)...

This week, Xi Jinping will become the first Chinese head of state to address participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos. In a guest commentary published in the newspaper the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, he...

After the New Urban Agenda was adopted at the Habitat III conference in Quito, the 24-page document went to the UN’s main legislative body, the General Approval, for formal approval. It did so on 21 December –...

Paris – Urban activists are proposing a new initiative called Local Agenda 2030. It could help anchor the sustainable development goals and Paris Agreement in cities and facilitate implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

2016 was...

Songdo in South Korea is a showcase project when it comes to smart cities, writes the Handelszeitung in an article. China, too, has more and more projects for cities of the future. But there, there...