- “Die Raumplanung in China betritt Neuland – Chancen und Herausforderungen für Chinas Städte und Dörfer”; Ruizhong 1/21, publication GSC, Diego Salmeron, Wang Lian, May 2021
- “Planungskultur in China – Paradigmenwechsel im Planungsystem”; COLLAGE 1/21, publication FSU, Diego Salmeron, Wang Lian, March 2021
- “Shaxi Rehabilitation Project 2000-2016”; Christian Renfer, contributions by Diego Salmerón, Ruizhong, Magazine of Swiss Chinese Association, Zurich, 2016
- “Research on Optimal Development Pattern of Yunnan Central Economic Region”; China City Planning Review Vol. 21, No.1, 2012, LIU Xue, Diego Salmeron, LUO Qing, Suman Rana, LIU Zhi’an
- "Schweizer KMU aus dem Bereich erneuerbare Energien in China - Handlungsempfehlungen zur Stärkung der Exportförderung",
by Patrick Bertschi, Carina Steiner and Dr. Timo Busch, Article in "Die Volkswirtschaft", Zurich, November 2012 - “Regionalplanung in Kunming – Erfahrungen & Erlebnisse”; Diego Salmerón, Willy A. Schmid, Jubiläumsbuch Zürich-Kunming 30 Jahre, Januar 2012
- "Reading Time in Shaxi",
Huang Yinwu, contributions by Diego Salmerón, Willy A. Schmid, Yunnan Nationalities Publishing House, ISBN 978-7-5376-4562-9/K.1228, December, 2009 - "Regional City Network Master Plan of Kunming Municipality - An alternative Approach towards Sustainable Urban Development",
Salmeron, D.; Rana, S.; Chapter in Book "Sustainable Urban Development in China; Wishful Thinking or Reality?", ISBN 978-3-86582-588-9, January, 2008 - "From contemporary disperse development towards a dense/compact development; A sustainable approach in space metamorphosis on the case of Kunming Municipality: Regional City Network Master Plan",
Salmerón, D.; Rana, S.; conference paper, "New concepts and approaches for urban and regional policy and planning?", Leuven, 2-3 April, 2007£ - "Africas's Mushrooming Metropolises - Can Urban Growth be Sustainable?",
Keiner, M.; Salmerón, paper published in "Territorium, Planning, Design and Sustainable Development in Africa", Journal of the Institute for Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISSN 1820-2675, No. 4/5, June 2006, 82-97 - "Regional Policy and Planning Approaches on the Case of the European Union, Switzerland and Yunnan Province, P.R. China",
Schmid, W.A.; Salmerón, D.; paper published in "Creation, City Planning in the Central Region of Yunnan Province" (Chinese Journal, ISSN 1004-9797, Issue no. 139), China, May 2006, 59-62 - "Unsustainable Trends in Spatial Development in China: Situation Analysis and Exploration of Alternative Development Paths Demonstrated by Case Studies of Kunming (Urban) and Shaxi Valley (Rural)",
Feiner, J.P.; Salmerón, D.; in "Managing Urban Futures: Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries", Ashgate, October 2005, 187-205 - "Negative and Positive Spatial Planning Approach by Means of GIS";
Rana, S.; Salmerón, D.; Paper published in International Cartographic Conference (ICC), La Coruña (Spain), May 2005 - "Toward Sustainable Urban Management in Developing Countries, A Synthesis of the DIMSUD Project Findings and Further General Recommendations";
Keiner, M.; Salmerón, D.; Schmid, W.A.; Poduje, I.; in "From Understanding to Action: Sustainable Urban Development in Medium-Sized Cities in Africa and Latin America, Springer, October 2004, 191-217 - "Framework for Research on Sustainable Urban Development, The Innovative Collaboration and Research Methodology of the DIMSUD Project";
Salmerón, D.; Keiner, M.; Schmid, W.A.; in "From Understanding to Action: Sustainable Urban Development in Medium-Sized Cities in Africa and Latin America, Springer, October 2004, 25-39 - "Urban Development in Southern Africa and Latin America, The Scope of the project "Designing, Implementing and Measuring Sustainable Urban Development"
(DIMSUD );Keiner, M.; Salmerón, D., Schmid, W.A.; Poduje, I.; in "From Understanding to Action: Sustainable Urban Development in Medium-Sized Cities in Africa and Latin America, Springer, October 2004, 1-24 - "From Understanding to Action; Sustainable Urban Development in Medium-Sized Cities in Africa and Latin America";
Keiner, M.; Zegras, C.; Schmid, W.A.; Salmerón, D.; Springer, October 2004 (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries, Science and Technology. Tools for Sustainable Development, Volume 5) - Connecting Concrete with Abstract";
Dr. J. P. Feiner, Collaboration: Prof. Dr. W. A. Schmid, D.Salmerón, M. Eggenberger; Internet-Diskurs: Grundfragen der Raumordnung der mittleren Ebene, pg.49-67; Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung Hannover, ARL, 2002 - "Priming Sustainability: The Kunming Urban Region Development Project";
Jacques P. Feiner, Diego Salmerón, Ernst Joos, Willy A. Schmid; DISP151 (11/2002); pg.59-67; IRL Institute, ETHZ - "Regional Planning in the Kunming-Zurich Partnership";
Jacques Feiner with Mi Shiwen, Diego Salmerón, Olivier Louy, Willy A.Schmid; in: Carl Fingerhuth, Ernst Joos (2002); "The Kunming Project: Urban Development in China-a Dialogue" - "Monitoring and controlling urban development in the Greater Kunming Area";
Willy A. Schmid, Barbara Schultz, Diego Salmerón; Urban Planning Overseas, 5/2001, p.44-46, (in Chinese) - "Towards a more sustainable settlement and transportation pattern of the Greater Kunming Area";
Jacques Feiner, Willy A.Schmid, Diego Salmerón, Markus Eggenberger; DISP 143 (4/2000), ORL Institute, ETHZ