UN-Habitat – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribean (ROLAC), Rio de Janeiro / Brazil |
Swiss Agency for Develpment and Cooperation (SDC), Berne / Switzerland |
Swiss Federal Office of Energy |
Canton of Aargau, Division of Spatial Development (ARE), Aarau / Switzerland |
Canton of Bern, Department of Economic Affairs |
Canton of Nidwalden, Agricultural Bureau (ALW), Stans / Switzerland |
Canton of Zurich, Deparment of Economic Affairs |
City of Zurich |
City of Schaffhausen, Construction Department, Schaffhausen / Switzerland |
ETH Zürich, Center for Development and Cooperation NADEL |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland |
University of St. Gallen (HSG), Institut for Systemic Management and Public Governance (IMP-HSG), St. Gallen / Switzerland |
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland |
Regional Conference Jura Ost |
Regional Conference Northern Lägern, Eglisau / Switzerland |
Generis AG, Schaffhausen / Switzerland |
Steiner Sarnen Schweiz AG |
Holinger AG |
Geotest AG |
Maxmakers AG, Zurich, Switzerland |
Shangri-La Beverages AG |
Nanping Prefecture Urban Planning Administration |
Yunnan Provincial Government, Construction Department |
Yunnan Junfa Real Estate Co. Ltd. |
Jianchuan County Government |
Qujing Municipal People's Government, Yunnan / China |
Dali City Administration |
Nanchang City Administration |
Guiyang City Administration |
Kunming City Administration |