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Rapperswil-Jona SG – The cement giant LafargeHolcim is investing in the future of the construction industry by developing 3D concrete printing solutions in collaboration with a French start-up. The two partners have already achieved their first success.

The use of 3D printing represents a digital revolution for the construction industry as it allows complex structures to be created quicker and more affordably than traditional techniques, writes LafargeHolcim in a statement. In an effort to drive this innovation forward, the cement group is collaborating with the French start-up xTreeE, which specialises in the development of large-scale 3D printing systems.

The two partners have already achieved a first success: a 4-metre high load-bearing post used to support the playground roof of a middle school in France was printed by XtreeE and assembled by Fehr Architectural. As LafargeHolcim writes, it is the first 3D printed structural element to be marketed in Europe. LafargeHolcim’s R&D centre in L’Isle d’Abeau developed and provided the concrete mixes.

“Innovation is part of our DNA in order to respond to the trends in tomorrow’s construction market,” said Gérard Kuperfarb, group head of Growth & Innovation at LafargeHolcim. He calls LafargeHolcim a pioneer in 3D printing.