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Sino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities (SSLCC), Phase 1

LEP WEB Prj Urdorf Luftbild WRN 

Project Period:

2016 - 2018


Contribute to the mitigation of climate change by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in Chinese urban areas. The objective of the 2 phase project is to promote a more sustainable urbanisation in China respecting low carbon strategies and contributing to the climate change mitigation.


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Project Area:

Demonstration of concepts on 4 Pilot cases in 6 cities

Tasks / Responsibilities:

Contribute towards:

  • Developing vision and spatial strategy for low carbon future
  • Tackling climate change via sustainable planning of resources and an appropriate layout of landuses/activities incorporating green and clean technologies
  • Integration of low carbon approaches and technologies into the city planning process and devising appropriate development policies at the city level
  • Evaluation of medium and long-term scenarios for overall sustainability
  • Designing of the built environment that minimizes the energy demands
  • Planning landuse layouts that encourage/facilitate public private partnerships
  • Creating appropriate institutional system and local development frameworks


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